Planning Guide: Marketing Planning for Supported Employment


A guide for marketing planning for supported employment and job development for people with disabilities. Covers developing a brand, theme, logo, program name, and other representations of good employer engagement.

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Good job development for those with disabilities requires good marketing planning for supported employment employer engagement. But agencies that serve individual with disabilities often send competing messages to their stakeholders about their services and the capabilities of the individuals they serve. Programs that provide vocational services need a clear and concise marketing approach that communicates their benefits to their primary audience, employers. This form takes you through the initial steps of developing a brand, theme, logo, program name, and other representations of good employer engagement.

Cover of Form MarketingPlanning2   MarketingPlanning3

How does it work?

Open the e-guide on your tablet, smart phone, or computer, (or print out a paper version), and complete each item. Once you have completed the steps, you can plan your next steps and the strategies for achieving them. A follow-up planning guide on developing a Marketing Communication Plan for Employers will take you to the next level of your job development.


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