Subscription Plan

WHAT CUSTOMERS ASKED FOR: A flexible training system usable either by an individual or an entire staff. Managers also wanted the ability to add and remove staff for course access.

WHAT WE HAVE DEVELOPED: TRN Subscriptions are designed to provide low-cost access to training and other resources that can be used by individuals or staff teams. A subscription lasts for six months. On purchase, pay for the full six months. Renewals are automatic, but you can cancel at any time. Unused time is not refundable, however.

All Access Pro $39 per month

You can purchase a subscription for yourself, for a staff member, or for a whole team if you want them to be able to take a series of web courses.

Click on the level that best meets your needs. You can always upgrade or downgrade later. Upgrades will be charge with a prorated amount. Downgrades do not provide refunds or credit, and the downgrade renewals are processed at the downgrade subscription cost.

*There is a weekly 5-order limit when you purchase an all-access subscription.

Subscribe Multiple Users (Teams)

Buy the number of seats you need for your staff.

All Access Pro for Team

You can purchase ALL ACCESS for groups of staff as a “team.” A team allows the team owner to name a team, and to enter team individuals as members for access as needed up to the number of seats you buy.

You add new members to the team right from the account area on your site in either of 2 ways: share a public “join” link, or sending an email invite. Examples of how this is managed by the buyer are below.


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