Intro to Supported Employment


Overview of key principles of supported employment – how to employ people with significant disabilities. **NOTE: This is NOT the FL APD mandated course. Go to to purchase it.

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This introduction to supported employment web course provides an overview of the key principles of how to employ people with significant disabilities. It reviews how jobs are customized to each job seeker using career planning, discovery, marketing and job development, and job site support.  **NOTE: This is NOT the FL APD mandated course. Go to to purchase it.

Credit Hours: 4

  1. Introduction
  2. History of Job Services
  3. Roles in SE
  4. The SE Process
  5. Phases of SE
  6. Career Planning and Job Development
  7. Job Matching
  8. Job Acquisition
  9. On-the-Job Support
  10. Conclusion
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