Orientation to Disabilities
- Problems with Labels
- Everyone Has Abilities
- Developmental Milestones: Types of Disabilities
- Cerebral Palsy
- Spina Bifida
- Autism
- Intellectual Disabilities
- Epilepsy
- Specific Learning Disabilities
- Head Injury
- Mental Illness
- Hearing, Vision and Other Disabilities
- Challenges
- Advocacy
Person-Centered Planning (PCP)
- Introduction to PCP
- Planning Components
- What a Plan Looks Like
- Planning Video
- Learning About the Person
- Life Dreams
- Deciding What’s Important
- Employment
- A Real Home
- Planning Meetings
- Getting Help
- Self-Determination
Social Inclusion: Strategies for Community Integration
1. Intro to Inclusion
2. Defining Inclusion
3. Stigma and Inclusion
4. Groups, Jargon and Labels
5. Over-Professionalization
6. Segregation and Readiness
7. Routines and Familiarity
8. Personal Expression
9. Social Capital, Roles, Associations
10. Outcomes
- Introduction to Normalization
- Realities People Face
- Status and Accomplishments
- Self-Determination
- Competencies and Settings
- Interactions and Language
- Lifestyles
- Person-Centered Planning
Supporting Effective Behavior
- Introduction to Understanding Behavior
- Describing Behavior
- Environment, Context and Communication
- Responding to Behavior
- Reinforcement
- Ethics and Punishment
- Responding to Challenging Behavior
- Safeguards and Control
Engaging with Employers for Jobs
- Learning about Local Business
- Market Research
- Disability Stereotypes
- Your Local Employers
- Networking
- Determine Your Message
- Marketing Publications
- Internet Engagement
- Meeting with the Employer
- Gathering Employer Information
- Hiring Benefits
- Service and Job Seeker Information
- Seeking the Job Offer
Using Reinforcement in Training
- Introduction to Reinforcement
- The Sequence of Learning
- Types of Reinforcement
- Avoid Reinforcement Assumptions
- Internal Reinforcement
- Reinforcement Considerations
- Natural Reinforcement
- Schedules of Reinforcement
- Timing and Amount of Reinforcement
- Reinforcement Satiation
- Fading Reinforcement