Forms and Assessments

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Transition Checklist for Employment
Transition Planning Checklist for Employment
A transition planning form that covers six key areas to manage during the transition from school-to-work.
This one page checklist covers six key areas to manage during the transition from school-to-work. Includes making sure career planning, family partnerships, employment experiences, and more are covered. Excellent way for transition specialists, supervisors, parents, vocational counselors, and others to keep track of major areas to accomplish before school graduation when focusing on employment opportunities. (Order must be paid to access; User agrees document will not be file-shared.)
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Reinforcer Inventory
A reinforcer inventory checklist that covers ten domains of potential reinforcers, including social, personal, and and tangible to survey each learner's preferences.
Presumed reinforcers can often be ineffective, and some reinforcers can stigmatize the person due to age inappropriateness, setting unacceptability, or issues with availability. Use this six-page checklist that covers ten key domains of potential reinforcers, including social, personal, and and a variety of tangible primary and secondary reinforcers to survey each learner's reinforcement preferences. Allows the user to rate expected level of effectiveness of each. Excellent way for teachers, trainers, job coaches, supervisors, parents, vocational counselors, and others to plan effective training and behavioral change by using the most effective and appropriate reinforcement. (Order must be paid to access; User agrees document will not be filed-shared.)
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employment first assessment
This downloadable manual covers 40 key elements needed to support Employment First, from agency-level restructuring to policy, funding incentives, and technical capacity. It includes a Self-Assessment tool and an appendix of Sample Policies from around the US. (Order must be paid to access; User agrees document will not be filed-shared.) Employment First refers to having community employment be the primary expected goal for working-age adults with disabilities in government-funded day services, and for those services to support that realization of that goal. It is currently being embraced in many US States as a policy initiative. Employment First presents a great opportunity for advancing more jobs for people with disabilities, but there is a real concern that new initiatives, while well-intentioned, will be developed incompletely and ultimately will do little to change a largely segregated and entrenched vocational system. "A much needed practical publication for the whole Employment First arena - it is by far the best thing available. It will take the simple rhetoric of EF to a whole other level of practical discussion. Nicely organized, succinct, logical presentation, and well written."

- Richard Luecking, Ed.D.

Planning Guide: Functional Skills Training Priorities
This planning guide can direct a learner with disabilities to decide on the functional skills training priorities important to success in life.
For people with disabilities, learning the skills that are most important to the kind of life each wants to live is critical. These are called "functional skills." How should this be determined? We know that in the past, providing a fixed curriculum of "community" or "social" or "vocational" skills, while more helpful than completely non-relevant material, often misses the mark for each unique individual and what they need to learn for their personal goals and settings. This two-page planning guide can help direct a learner and trainer to the correct priorities. Based on self-determination, it asks the simple questions, is this domain related to the learner's life goals, and is it important to be a learned skill, rather than something that can be accommodated. Once each domain is ranked, you can see what domains are priorities, and determine what next steps should occur. How does it work? Open the e-guide on your tablet, smart phone, or computer, (or print out a paper version), and rate each item. The planning guide will total your ratings, and you can then select the priorities. Once you have completed and scored your assessment, you can plan your next steps and the strategies for achieving them.  
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This 8-page self-assessment e-guide is designed for organizations working to help job seekers with disabilities develop cost-effective strategies to research, analyze, and develop communication strategies with employers in their geographic area.  It will help you to prioritize areas of need and development. High scores in an area will show where you are accomplished, and lower scores will help you pinpoint strategies for development. This assessment is not a review of your job development outcome data, such as number of employer contacts, interviews, employer recognition, etc. Instead , it focuses on the tools you might use to deliver higher outcomes in those areas. The tool contains 40 items in 7 domains. How does it work? Open the e-guide on your tablet, smart phone, or computer, (or print out a paper version), and rate each item based on where your program is at related to the topic area. Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 2.14.22 PM The planning guide will total your ratings, and you can then summarize your accomplishments and work to be done: Final Score Once you have completed and scored your assessment, you can plan your next steps and the strategies for achieving them: Next Steps Emp Engagement
This compilation of career planning guides will provide a resource to developing a comprehensive approach to learning about the job skills, preferences, accomplishments, support needs, and more for any job seeker. Best of all, any planning guide can be completed right from your smart phone, tablet, laptop or computer. Or, if you prefer, you can print the forms out and complete them on paper.

What's Included:

Career Planning Checklist A complete checklist of recommended actions for a comprehensive Discovery Process. Career Planning Team Roster A form to keep track of who is involved with the process. Job Exploration A place to note key information learned during a job experience. Discovery Job Seeker Interview Questions, answers and notes when interviewing a job seeker regarding their career preferences. Discovery Personal Network Interview Questions, answers and notes when interviewing others in the job seekers life. Home Visit A form to review key features of the home in regard to career planning. Discovery Observation What to look for and note during an observation of the job seeker. Career Planning Records Review A planning guide to keep track of highlights of relevant records regarding the job seeker. Neighborhood Tour Notations of important considerations regarding where the job seeker is living and their relationship to employment. Meeting Agenda Use this form to list and share the items for discussion for your next meeting
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E-form template that can be completed right at the job site with a smart phone, laptop, or tablet. Type your findings as you tab through the form. Once purchased, the tool can be used within your program as often as the license you purchase provides. Most job analysis tools focus on factors that are either too vague or not relevant. This planning guide is designed to target the key information needed to develop job task matching and job supports for any individual. The cover page includes job details including:
  • Schedule
  • Wages/Benefits
  • Transportation
  • Accommodations Needed
  • General Workplace Expectations (Appearance, Customer Visibility/Interaction, Environmental Conditions, Workplace Culture, Level of Supervision, etc.)
  • Task List and Schedule
Job Analysis TaskThe follow-up pages are assigned to each task within the job, including time they occur, sub-tasks, location, and other factors such as performance expectations, physical requirements, co-worker support availability, equipment, social expectations, and more. A form can be completed for each task to the level of detail you want or need.
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Cover of Form
Planning Guide: Marketing Planning for Supported Employment
A guide for marketing planning for supported employment and job development for people with disabilities. Covers developing a brand, theme, logo, program name, and other representations of good employer engagement.
Good job development for those with disabilities requires good marketing planning for supported employment employer engagement. But agencies that serve individual with disabilities often send competing messages to their stakeholders about their services and the capabilities of the individuals they serve. Programs that provide vocational services need a clear and concise marketing approach that communicates their benefits to their primary audience, employers. This form takes you through the initial steps of developing a brand, theme, logo, program name, and other representations of good employer engagement. Cover of Form MarketingPlanning2   MarketingPlanning3 How does it work? Open the e-guide on your tablet, smart phone, or computer, (or print out a paper version), and complete each item. Once you have completed the steps, you can plan your next steps and the strategies for achieving them. A follow-up planning guide on developing a Marketing Communication Plan for Employers will take you to the next level of your job development.  
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Cover of situational assessment form
Assessment: Situational Assessment
Situational assessment tool to record key information during an analysis of a work experience. Includes task interest, work rate, accuracy, and more.
A situational assessment is the preferred method to record information of any work experience to help with career planning and job matching! Useful for job seekers with disabilities, transition from school-to-work, or those looking to explore new job opportunities. This downloadable E-form is a 2-page job assessment is packed with a number of critical data fields to record key information during an assessment of a work experience. Includes Task Interest, Work Rate, Accuracy, Attention to Task, Job Duty Sequencing, Need for Accommodations, Training, Reinforcement. Also covers a variety of Soft Skills, Settings, Physical Characteristics, and more. Great for discovering career paths and directions to take, as well as determining what support needs should be available in certain settings and with certain tasks. (Order must be paid to access; User agrees document will not be filed-shared.)  
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Planning Guide: Job Development Marketing Tools
Job Development planning guide takes you through the steps of developing an employer engagement communications plan that includes publications, networking, web pages, digital media.
These set of 5 multi-page planning guides takes you through the steps of developing an employer engagement communications plan that includes publications, networking, web pages, digital media, video, a business advisory council, and other tools. These tools will flow from you brand, theme, logo, program name, and other representations of employer engagement.

marketing form marketingcom2  marketingcom3  marketingcom4  marketingcom5

Forms and Content
  • *Master Checklist of Tools to Prioritize
  • *Publications Communications Plan (brochure, business cards,
  • *Digital and Web Communications Plan (videos, PowerPoint presentations, online newsletter, blog, web page development, social media - Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter)
  • *Networking Plan (hosting special events, community association memberships, Chamber of Commerce participation, employer training, holiday events, job fairs)
  • *Business Advisory Council Development
Good job development for those with disabilities requires good marketing. But agencies that serve individual with disabilities often send competing messages to their stakeholders regarding their services and the capabilities of the individuals they serve. Programs that provide vocational services need a clear and concise marketing approach that communicates their benefits to their primary audience, employers. This requires basic marketing planning for employer engagement. How do the planning guides work? Open the e-guide on your tablet, smart phone, or computer, (or print out a paper version), and complete each item. Once you have completed the steps, you can plan your next steps and the strategies for achieving them. A follow-up planning guide on developing a Marketing Communication Plan for Employers will take you to the next level of your job development.
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