Community Life

How to live healthy, manage money, and succeed at home and in your community.

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job analysis course
Conducting a Job Analysis
This training will look at how to collect job-related data, offer strategies on what kinds of vocational information to collect, and describe ways to synthesize the key content into a useful tool for job success.
natural supports course
Natural Supports at Work
This course focuses on the use of natural supports on the job site. Natural supports offers ways to improve the employer's ability to support individuals with disabilities for better job success and a reduction of their social isolation.
Employer Engagement Course
Engaging with Employers
Engaging employers to develop job opportunities for people with disabilities requires a commitment to good marketing, communication, networking, and interpersonal job development. This training covers key aspects of strategies to promote your jobs program so that individuals with disabilities are valued for their competence and contributions.
Reinforcement Course
Reinforcement in Training
A trainer must consider many reinforcement factors when training, such as selecting the right reward and deciding timing, amount and type. This course explains how to use reinforcement so that your training will be effective.
inclusion course
Inclusion & Community Integration
Social inclusion strategies for people with disabilities so that each person can be seen for their strengths and gifts and be valued in community relationships.
Planning Effective Training course
Planning Effective Training
Learn how to set training priorities for people with disabilities for functional life skills needed for home, work, school and community.
Using Prompts in Training Course
Using Prompts in Training
This course reviews all the different types of prompts to teach a new behavior or skill. It covers the most effective strategies on how to select and apply prompts and cues.
Discovery Course
Discovery & Career Assessment
This course takes the user through the various approaches that can be used to profile career interests, skills, support needs, and resources. The user will learn how to develop career goals through innovative vocational assessment, career development skills, and the process of “Discovery.”
Job Customization Course
Customizing Jobs
A web course that reviews strategies for job carving and customization for people with disabilities.
Solving Challenges Course
Solving Work & Home Challenges
Avoid jumping to solutions that can have unintended, negative consequences. This course provides a step-by-step process so that disability support staff can better understand what an issue might be about: behavior as communication, holistic thinking, and getting to underlying causes. Includes how to avoid solutions that might be inappropriate to a setting or person.
Employment First Course
Employment First
How to make community employment the primary expected goal for working-age youth and adults with disabilities.
orientation disabilities course
Orientation to Disabilities
An orientation to the disability field. Reviews the various types of disabilities and their associated conditions, including issues with labeling people.
Behavior Course
Positive Behavior Support
Positive behavior support helps people change ineffective and inappropriate behavior using positive approaches; a big part of this is to learn to understand the communicative intent of behavior.
Task Analysis Course
Task Analysis
How to develop a sequence of teachable steps and use task analysis as a training and planning tool.
Normalization and Community Course
Normalization: Community Life
How to support people with disabilities with respect and dignity in the community.
person-centered course
Person-Centered Planning
A web course that covers person-centered planning for the future for people with disabilities: values, facilitation, agenda, team-building.
Introduction to Supported Employment Course
Intro to Supported Employment
Overview of key principles of supported employment - how to employ people with significant disabilities. **NOTE: This is NOT the FL APD mandated course. Go to to purchase it.
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